User experience design
What is UX design?
UX design is a notoriously difficult phrase to define, owing to the fact that there’s no one globally accepted definition of the term.
User experience design has many dimensions pulling in skillsets from a wide range of different and, at times, seemingly unrelated disciplines - IT Architecture, visual design, branding, psychology, interaction design, just to name a few.
But if a definition is truly required, then we can say that the goal of user experience design is to build ease of use and satisfying interactions into software as a goal to increase customer loyalty, satisfaction and notoriety.

Why UX design is important
With so much custom software and so much of the human brain influencing the way users interact with that software, trying to explain why UX design is important is almost like explaining why we need to eat.
Many UX experts say that we need UX design because it’s the most effective way of addressing what the customer needs. Generally, that argument is accepted and we all move on. However, the importance of UX design has changed as so much of our life has been digitised. From grocery shopping to banking, to contacting friends and buying a plane ticket, the role that the human plays in the process influences the design of that process more now than ever. And because we humans have got used to that, a design that isn’t based on our experience is unnatural, difficult and not satisfying at all.
Software houses of yesteryear would design software based on what they thought looked good, and worked well. And if the client liked it, then that was that. There was very little science and even less research that made the foundation of why we do what we do when we use software.
Move Closer and UX design
Our team of experts have built their careers on understanding the science and research behind why we like one process over another. When you work with Move Closer, you can expert our team to put all their experience to work in creating user flows, wireframes, mockups and smoke tests of layouts, features and processes that can help you build a rapport with your customer through ease of use and convenience.