IT recruitment
HR departments face a constant battle of taking up responsibility toward improving the organization and completing everyday deliverables. To simplify this process, many businesses are now outsourcing HR tasks that are more routine.
One of those tasks is the sourcing of talent - particularly developers. With a significant skills shortage, finding developers that are willing to take on full-time, in-house work is a challenge that’s only getting harder.
But that lack of talent doesn’t stop many businesses from needing that developer. The downside is that attracting talent has become more expensive - not just in terms of salary, but also benefits. Smaller businesses can’t compete with the perks that larger companies offer.

To solve this problem, Move Closer has implemented its HR-as-a-service model. As a software house, we know the demands involved with sourcing talented and effective developers, designers and product managers. If you’re on the hunt for such individuals, you can now use Move Closer’s HR specialists and existing talent pool to source talent. This means that you can spend less time hunting for talent, finding out what they need and trying to recruit them, and more time focusing on what’s important to your business.
Whether remote, in-office or hybrid, we’re able to take care of your most resource-hungry HR needs, without sacrificing the employee experience for your business.